Task – FOS features – 7

1) I synched up dev.fos.freedomonlineservices.net to match the live site but there’s a warning on the front page – please can you take a look…

2) Hosting: Please could I have some custom user meta on customers

– Live Sites on hosting (repeater field with url/wordpress user/file user)

– Staging Sites on hosting (repeater with url/user) Note to display – to reach your site directory please ‘cd ../public’ ie the site is in the public directory in the parent directory of the sftp user’s home.

– public key (free text)

-private key (don’t worry re security – they have a passcode that will not be stored here)

– sftp host for hosting (line text)

– sftp host for backups

– mysql url (add a text subtitle saying ‘mysql user/password is visible in wp-config.php)

– payment details (free text field)

– Notes on external services (free text field)

I would then like a template for a page ‘Hosting’ that works on the logged in user and displays the above in copyable but not editable text fields. NOT visibile unless you’re logged in!

3) I’d like the Developer option in the Hourly logs records to actually show on front end… (try switching the developer of an hours record and then see if it displays on hours log on front end) I’d also like the option of displaying all developers…